Disclosure Statement
To get you these types of deals, once you make a reservation and receive a confirmation from us and the resort, you own it. If you find yourself in a super serious jam, we will try our very best to move your dates or give you a credit for some other time.
A twenty-five dollar ($25.00) “fun or reservation fee” will be charged to all of your confirmed reservations. Actually, it’s a processing fee which, we charge to everyone who books through our service. We don't discriminate!!!
Just in case you were wondering….. all final payments will be taken in US dollars. Any amounts represented in foreign currency on this site will be converted to US dollars as of the date the payment is taken.
We are not liable for your trip. If you fall down, slip or get hit by a bus, you can't hold us responsible, so pay attention to where you are walking! As a “fun member” you are on your own and release us from all liability during all parts of your trip.